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Monday Night (29-Jul-19)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1137.0 63.41% JOHN SARENA - LINDA PICONE (6)0.36
2129.1 59.77% JANET ATTRILL - PENNY THOMAS (7)0.25
3124.0 57.42% JAN COOKE - PETER COOKE (5)0.18
4115.9 53.65% PAT STARKIE - ELAINE FITZGERALD (11)0.12
5115.0 53.26% PAULA HILLIS - MARIA MACTAGGART (12)0.09
6110.3 51.04% 72 - 73 (4) 
7105.3 48.73% MARGARET STALKER - JOAN LEWIS (2) 
898.2 45.44% JOAN MALIKOFF - VIC MALIKOFF (3) 
995.3 44.14% TONY PLEVIER - OWEN MASLEN (8) 
1085.8 39.70% FAYE DAVIDSON - DINA SELMAN (9) 
1175.4 34.90% ANNE SERRA - BETTY RENDELL (10) 

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